Thursday, August 14, 2008

Looking Ahead

As I´m sitting here at the internet café trying to think about what to write, I´m hitting the famed writer´s block... hehe. This one is going to be pretty short (I know that all of you are sad to hear that ;P) because I´m planning on just letting y´all know what the plan is for this next trip. We--Javier and me-- are leaving tomorrow to head to the villages. We will not be going to the same village as last time but this time we WILL cross that dang river to get to Pata Qhuchi, which is where Trent wants us to start planting chuches if they have none (if they do have one then we move on to the next village). We are going to be in the communities for a month, after which we will go directly to Chili for Javier to renew his passport. We should be back to Sucre by around the 16th-18th of September. So I´ll send out an update when I get back.
Please be praying for us for safe travel as we try to get to Pata Qhuchi. It will probably take us about four days of walking after we reach Pocoata, our local base camp, after a day on a bus. Also, pray that we are able to encounter a man of peace in Pata Qhuchi who will vouch for us, and allow us to stay with him. Just two more, and that´s it... :) Keep in your prayers our ability to communicate with the Quechua as in these villages across the river, they do not speak much Spanish, and we will have to try to talk to them mostly in Quechua--that should be an experience... :) And lastly, please pray that the peoples´ hearts and minds are open to the saving power of Christ, and that through us, these people may know the hope and peace that comes with the knowledge of knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus.
I can never thank y´all enough for your prayers and support! Without it, it would be so much harder to do the things that I have to do. I will try to keep y´all in my thoughts as much as y´all will keep me in yours. God bless, chantá Septiembrekama (and until September, in Quechua)!

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