Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Clarification

It has been brought to my attention that my previous blog might have caused some confusion among my home church with regards to a certain situation there.... That was not my intention at all, and I apologize to anyone that may have been confused by my blog.
I mentioned that we had asked two Latins to leave the church, and currently there is a similar situation that occurred in my home church. There are two differences in the situations that should be made aware to those reading my blog. First, is that those two young men were bringing major division to the church by their attitudes, and were completely unrepentant. They were given chance after chance to redeem their ways; sadly that is not the case of the situation in my home church.... Secondly, and most importantly, our ENTIRE church was in agreement with the decision we made; it was not a few people making a decision for "the greater good" of the people. I know for a fact that my home church (which means every member according to the Bible!) has not been in unanimous agreement with this decision, and that is the biggest difference between the two situations. Please also keep in mind that I am still a member of my home church, even though I am serving here in Peru for God's glory. It is not my intention to cause division in the church, only to bring the bride of Christ back to it's Biblical roots.
Again, I apologize to everyone that I may have confused, and I hope this has clarified it. If anyone wishes to talk to me, please feel free to email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Greg Linder said...

You Rock...I mean...just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jeff! God has been showing me what I need to change in my thinking concerning the church for the last 8 months or so. It needs to be talked/preached about more often - God's intention for church and how it has evolved to what it is today. WOW. It's been an amazing journey so far and it's not even close to being done. Thanks for serving our Lord and sharing your heart that is a reflection of His.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification. I mean, I for one would never, never, never, never, write anything confusing (btw, I have been censured here on campus). But seriously, i completely understood you the first time around. I also feel blessed to know you. You get it brother! thanks for sharing your experience with us.


Anonymous said...

Well said. I hope a lot of your home church members read this.
